How To Join as an individual

How To Join as individual

For an individual.

Review the get started guide as well as the how to video guides.

The steps are:

01.Download the phone app Downloads.

You first have to register with PhoneMe.Money and verify a mobile number.

02.Use KeepTrack with your friends

You can now use the KeepTrack feature to send KeepTracks between you and your friends.
Get all the benefits of smart instant payments without the hassles of ID, balances, or fees.
Invite your friends so they can use it too.

03.Verify using the PhoneMe.Money CDD app

Download the PhoneMe.Money CDD App.
Login using your PhoneMe.Money login and validate yourself.
This is a legal requirement necessary to fulfill AML Laws of NZ.

04.Now you can Topup to use Wallet Payments

Topup your wallet from your bank account. Now you can start paying others on the platform.

How to pay someone

Review the how to video guides.
The steps to get you started paying others are listed below

05.Select someone to pay

Choose a recipient from your contact list or type in the recipient's name and mobile phone number.

06.Type the amount to pay

After selecting who you want to pay, type in the amount and press pay! You will be prompted to make sure you have the payment correct - we would hate to make a mistake. But this gives you a chance to check your payment. If all OK - go ahead and press pay again. You can review all your payments in the transaction ledger history.

How to see whats happened - Transactions / Ledger

Review the how to video guides.
The steps to get you started paying others are listed below

07.View Transaction

Immediate notifications and payments.

Verified Users Functionality

Review the how to video guides.
The steps to see what you can do as a verified user.

08.Register a bank account

When you register a bank account number you get paid directly to the account.

Review the how to video guides to find out how to do this.

For every type of club, charity, church, business.

PhoneMe.Money can make your payment services easier.